Upcoming In-Person Events!

An indoor market held at the wonderful Guildhall Anime Game Lounge! The market is free to enter and will be open from 1-6p.m

1447 Lyons Rd, Coconut Creek, FL 33063

A first-year con in Ft Lauderdale. Boasting an adorable mascot and a good location, be sure to check it out!

Con website can be found here!

11775 Heron Bay Blvd, Coral Springs, FL

  • Sharp-edged polyhedral sets

    Both 7 piece and 8 piece sets are available, with many designs being experimental and one-of-a-kind.

    Check out our full selection 
  • Want something a bit heftier?

    We also offer oversized d20s in a variety of designs, including some designs exclusive to this type of die.

    Browse our Oversized D20s 
  • For the glitter obsessed-

    We have both regular and Oversized D20 liquid cores available now! Full sets will be available in the future.

    Find liquid core dice here 

Browse some of our our best sellers